What Is Justice – Part II

December 15, 2023by SeeYouInCourt

Today on the podcast, Robin and Lester flashback to previous guests’ answers to the ultimate question: What is Justice in modern law?

Our guests from previous episodes include:


19- Michael Neff

20- Doug Ammar

22- Chris Joyner

23- Anne Barnes

24- Peter Canellos

25- Ray Persons

27- Jenny Jensen

28- Mariellen Jacobs and Nanette

29- Steven Wolfe & Cheryl Legare

30- Douglas Ammar & Rami El Gharib

31- Lance McMillian

32- Bill Nettles

33- Dennis Cathey

34- Nels Peterson

35- Mike Jacobs

36- Craig T Jones

37- Martin Siegel


Lester Tate – http://www.akintate.com/

Robin Frazer Clark – https://www.gatriallawyers.net/

See You In Court – seeyouincourtpodcast.org

To learn more about the Georgia Civil Justice Foundation, visit fairplay.org


See You in Court is Georgia’s leading law podcast series, empowering citizens and providing them with the information they need about the state’s civil justice system. As part of the Georgia Civil Justice Foundation (a nonpartisan resource for anyone seeking to understand, preserve, or restore the basic functions of civil justice) we’re committed to educating the public about all of the ways they can fight for their rights and bring their grievances in front of an independent, non-biased court.

The best aspect of our podcast is that it’s free and accessible anytime and anywhere. It’s our goal to educate and empower Georgia residents so they understand their rights, and when they need to take further legal action.

You can learn more about our Georgia court podcast by visiting https://seeyouincourtpodcast.org today!

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