Ins And Outs Of Governmental Liability Episode By Craig T. Jones
Today on the podcast, Robin and Lester interview Craig T. Jones about the ins and outs of government liability.
Craig Jones is a North Carolina native who is a graduate of Brown University and Wake Forest University School of Law. He has been handling cases of governmental liability since the 1980’s—including two civil rights cases that Craig personally argued in the United States Supreme Court: Hope v. Pelzer (2002) and Scott v. Harris (2007). In addition to representing plaintiffs in police misconduct and other governmental liability cases, Craig has practiced extensively in the areas of personal injury, medical malpractice, product liability, and premises liability.
After practicing for 29 years in Atlanta and 8 years in Washington, Georgia, Craig and his wife Sharon are in the process of moving their empty nest to Savannah, where he will continue to maintain a statewide tort practice with civil rights cases in all three federal districts of Georgia.
Craig T. Jones, P.C. – Trial Lawyer –
Lester Tate –
Robin Frazer Clark –
See You In Court –
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